Donate Here

7 participants at the Spencer Museum of Art

Give online. Visit the KU Endowment Association’s page specifically for the KWLI at the KWLI Endowment page.

Send it by mail. When making a gift by check, please remember to include a gift card or indicate your gift’s purpose on the memo line. Checks should be payable to KU Endowment and mailed to:

Gift Processing Department

KU Endowment

PO Box 928

Lawrence, KS 66044-0928

Give Endowment a ring: Call 785-830-7576 to provide your credit card information over the phone. When you call, you’ll hear a real-live human voice on the other end, we promise.

Set up an electronic funds transfer. Just download and complete this form, sign and mail it to the address above.

Donate via wire transfer. Please contact Stacy Nuss at 785-832-7419 or for additional information.